Functionality of the Pig Retrainer


The pig restrainer is the ideal machine for driving and electrically stunning pigs (by electronarcosis). The complicated task of driving animals in the facilities is significantly facilitated with a restrainer, since it picks up the animals at a zero level, and drives them automatically, raising and dosing them to the stunning point. Place that should be above the bleeding table to facilitate positioning and subsequent disgorging. This equipment is ideal for stunning with forceps and subsequent discharge onto a bleeding table.

The 'V' conveyor belts, in addition to driving comfortably and with little stress, immobilize the animal, positioning it optimally at the stunning point. The restrainers are suitable for animals of very different weights and measurements, although they can be adjusted both in their separation and the height of the upper protective roof, a necessary element to prevent the animals from trying to climb over each other.

For the restrainer, a driving sleeve is necessary prior to the machine and a bleeding table for the animal to exit from it.





Technical characteristics



 Recommended for productions of 80 to 400 pigs per hour


 Accepts animals from 50 to 300kg


 Structurally manufactured in AISI 304 stainless steel using structural tubes


 Modular Acetal Belt


 Two 1.1kW motors


 Pneumatically adjustable upper support or protection


 Includes electrical protection and control panel


 Support plates for conveyor belts in 5mm thick stainless steel


 Extractable data logger in csv


Laibril Maquinària Alimentària

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